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A big buoy at Invergordon
taiyi8.com   2009-08-08  中国工程机械信息网
导读:A 450t buoy has been delivered to the port of Invergordon in Scotland, the biggest single lift ever undertaken at the Port.The 450t offshore loading buoy, will be undergoing minor modif ...

A 450t buoy has been delivered to the port of Invergordon in Scotland, the biggest single lift ever undertaken at the Port.

The 450t offshore loading buoy, will be undergoing minor modifications at the port, before being towed out to UK sector of the North Sea later in the year.

The buoy arrived on the MV Paula, and was offloaded using the vessel’s paired 320t onboard cranes. It was lifted onto a self propelled modular tranporter, provided by Abnormal Load Engineering.

The special projects division of Port Services (Invergordon) Limited handled the logistics of the manoeuvre. Operations director Steve Clark said: "This marks the start of an extremely exciting time for Port Services Limited in Invergordon and Aberdeen, where we have been successful in securing several major logistics contracts."

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