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Jungheinrich Offers Rotating Cab for Forklift Comfort, Safety
taiyi8.com   2009-08-10  中国工程机械信息网
导读:August 11, 2008German forklift maker Jungheinrich says it has solved visibility and manoeuvrability issues with the launch of the world’s first rotating cabin truck.The battery-powered EFG D ...

August 11, 2008

German forklift maker Jungheinrich says it has solved visibility and manoeuvrability issues with the launch of the world’s first rotating cabin truck.

The battery-powered EFG D30 unit, distribution in Australia by NTP Forklifts, allows the driver to sit in an ergonomically favourable position, facing the direction of travel and with an unobstructed field of vision.

Jungheinrich says the trend towards multiple pallets and unloading trucks on one side only means forklift drivers have restricted forward visibility and are forced to travel lengthy distances backwards.

The EFG D30 is based on a Jungheinrich battery-powered truck from the ‘4’ series with a lifting capacity of 3,000kg.

The cab can be rotated through 30 degrees to the left and through 180 degrees to the right with the Multipilot control.

Successful field trials were conducted and the series production was commenced mid 2005, with the formal product release at the 2008 CeMat Fair in Germany.

Jungheinrich says the truck improves safety. If the view ahead is obstructed by a load the driver can rotate the whole cabin and guide the forklift truck to its destination with the load at his back.

After the load has been picked up, the driver can drive off straightaway and at the same time rotate the cabin through up to 90 degrees. This position offers an adequate and comfortable view to the rear for short and medium-long distances, the company boasts, comparable with a reach truck.

For travelling over longer distances, the driver can rotate the cabin through up to 180 degrees – in which case, due to the automatic switchover function for the direction of steering and the direction of travel, this is only possible when the truck is stationary.

At the same time a memory system allows the operator to have the angle of his choice set automatically. In practice to date it has been found that the angles of 90 degrees (seated sideways as in a reach truck) as well as 45 degrees (for entering and leaving the truck) are recommended.

In the cabin the driver finds all the comfort and convenience of a modern forklift, according to Jungheinrich. The seat is air-cushioned, the steering wheel is on the left, and the Multipilot control – which concentrates all functions in one hand – is on the right and is integrated into the corresponding armrest.

The vehicle can be delivered as an open unit, or for example for ‘outdoor use’ with an all-round glazed cabin.

And to Jungheinrich says thanks to the use of three-phase AC technology the truck achieves performance values comparable with those of the IC engine powered forklift trucks.

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