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您当前的位置: 中文字幕一精品亚洲无线 > 整机平台 > 产品中心 > 混泥土机械 > 干混砂浆成套设备 > 天地重工 > 天地重工SJ30、SJ40、SJ50干粉砂浆站 > 参数
  • 技术参数
  • 性能特点
  • 结构特点
  • 施工案例

名称 参数
年产量(16d,300d)万吨 144000
有效容积 2.4/1.4
型号 SJ30
主机型号(国产/进口) WZ6000/WB2000
理论生产量 T/h 30


  ◎ 搅拌系统


  ◎ 除尘系统


  ◎ 控制系统


  ◎ 烘干系统


  Our company is specialized in dry-mixed mortar mixing plant, which introduce international and domestic advanced technology and equipment. The mixing plant can produce specialized dry-mixed mortar for construction, renovation brickwork, plastering wall, pasting tiles, floor tiling, stone plate and floor mat.

  Dry mortar is powdered or granular mixtures of aggregate, inorganic cementitious materials and functional additives. It is made up of sand, cement, thickening powder, fly ash and admixture. Also, add strong and efficient additives according to requirement. Transporting in bulk or packaged available, it can be used directly after mixing in proportions.

  ◎ Mixing System

  Introducing Korean technology, weightless biaxial slurry leaf mixer or imported uniaxial pear-type mixer features high precision and fast speed, low energy consumption and sealing operation.

  ◎ Dedusting system

  All powdery materials is in process under the closed state, while feeding, batching, scaling, adding, discharging and packaging. Fully closed mixing unit can reduce pollution of dust and noise to the environment effectively.

  ◎ Control systems

  Computer control of automatic and manual make the operation simple and convience. Dynamic Panel show the running of components, store a variety of data, Print various statement according to requirement,storage formula up above 30,000.

  ◎ Drying systems

  Adopt three-cylinder dryer in drying system, with high effciency and low energy consumption

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